Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Format (for Life-changing makan places)

Colin & Elvin have started off with our very own life-changing blog. I'm testing the posting feature now (thanks to Colin), and decided to post the 'standard' format. Let's do our best to keep it to the following:

1) Name/type of food (eg, Crab Bee Hoon Soup & Chili Crabs)
2) Stall name (eg, Melben Seafood)
3) Location (eg, Blk 232 AMK Ave 3)
4) Price (eg, super cheap / cheap / average / exp / super exp)
5) Operating hours (eg, 4.30pm - 10.30pm daily)
6) Contact number (eg, 6285-6762)
7) Life-changing scale (my life changed for the worst! / my life is still as per normal / it definitely changed my life!)

on MacBook

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