Wednesday, August 25, 2010

$2 Nasi Lemak

Photo 1:
The time reads 11.30am. Check out the long queue. (blame the poor
quality on my 3GS) The stall usually opens around this time and closes
when sold out. That's usually about 2pm.

Photo 2:
I'm waiting behind this auntie in blue.

Photo 3:
This is the stall's signboard. Not bad closed up view for a 3GS.

Photo 4:
Look at the stall with the same signboard on the left. It's their
kitchen! They're using it just for cooking.

Photo 5:
And finally, the real deal. Any three dishes for $2. Including chicken
wing or otah. If you're a big fan of kuning fish, then you have to be
there early. For chili lovers, this is good.

The portion is gone within 3 mins. Therefore, it's definitely not
enough for big eaters (Colin & Elvin, you gotta order two sets).

And here are the details:
1) Nasi Lemak
2) Hon Ni Kitchen
3) Blk 216 Bedok North Street 1 (Hawker Centre)
4) Super cheap @ $2
5) Not fixed but usually from 11.30am to 2pm weekdays (not sure about
6) No contact number
7) Usually it takes more than $2 to change your life.

Colin, this is the same hawker centre you used to go for the wanton
mee during kindergarden days.

I'm enjoying as much nice food in the east as possible now cos I'll be
moving to the north in less than two months time. Will definitely
share more with everyone.


on MacBook


  1. yar, i'm tryin to reduce my portions too. but prob will start next wk coz in Bkk now for biz trip.. love their orr jian here!

    thnks for posting Han Wei.

  2. Wow, looks like everyone's portion is getting smaller. Inversely proportional to age? Hmmm.. Taught too much graphs lately.

    FYI, there's another $2 stall along this stretch. It's selling Mixed Veg rice. The portion is reasonable. Can try too.
